Dropshipping, Kroger Online, YouTube
Dropshipping Capability Growth In our 2019 supply chain benchmark, 56% of manufacturers we polled indicated they currently have dropship capability, an increase from 40% from last year’s benchmark. Hardline manufacturers tend to outpace CPG companies with this capability as CPG products tend to be very difficult to economically ship directly…
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Social Commerce, Free Fresh, Amazon Growth
Social's Not Just for Inspiration Our research indicates that the usage of social media has increased significantly in eCommerce with 42% of consumers now using social media “almost always” or “often” in their research process, up from 32% last year. This is consistent with growth in overall social media usage…
Read MoreCommerce Marketing, Amazon Pickup, 3Q Results
Commerce Marketing Amazon is an important destination for shoppers along each point in the path to purchase, and a strong presence on Amazon can yield positive results across channels, both digital and physical. As a result, manufacturers have evolved their funding of Amazon Advertising over time. Our commerce marketing teams…
Read MoreGlobal Vendor Managers, Walmart.com Discounts, Amazon Posts
Global Vendor Managers Amazon is approaching some manufacturers about investing in a global vendor manager. Amazon has historically had this offering, and it was primarily focused around expanding assortment, which may or may not make sense given the market. However, the program is now being positioned as a way to…
Read MoreOmnichannel, Google Shopping, Brand Generations
Amazon and Walmart.com Shoppers Use Both Digital and In-Store Resources for Research Stores remain an integral part of the product research process as well as a shopping destination for both Amazon and Walmart.com shoppers, especially when it comes to the consumables and home improvement categories. Over 50% of both cohorts…
Read MoreOverlap, Stores, Growth Outlook
Amazon Shoppers Increasingly Considering Walmart.com Our recent consumer study on Amazon.com and Walmart.com shoppers indicated that 90% of Walmart.com shoppers also purchase on Amazon, and 60% of Amazon shoppers buy on Walmart.com. This means that similar strategies can work for both cohorts. Brands can utilize what they’ve learned on Amazon…
Read MoreeCommerce Path to Purchase & Amazon Alexa Expansion
Mobile Consumers Increasingly Important for eCommerce eCommerce players continue to emphasize the importance of mobile platforms for eCommerce, including both mobile websites and apps, with a number of them showing mobile representing 50% or more of total orders. Specifically, we saw Alibaba note that mobile users are outpacing total customers,…
Read MoreMarketplaces, Amazon’s Search Algorithm, Ad Spend
eTailers Continue to Look to New Products and Services for Growth and ProfitabilityOur review of Pure Play eCommerce companies highlighted a continued trend of eTailers introducing new products and services, in an effort to continue to drive growth and improve profitability in a dynamic eCommerce landscape. Many of these offerings emulate…
Read MoreeComm Logistics, Target Loyalty, Amazon Sales
Logistics Remains a Focus for eTailers as Amazon Continues to Raise the Bar Amazon’s announcement last quarter that Prime Shipping would move to overnight delivery from the prior two-day, appeared to drive increased sales for Amazon and allow the eTailer to take share. In response, other eTailers looked to increase…
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